Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Study? I don't understand what you're trying to say.

Well, I am meant to be studying right now, and probably should go do my General B Maths book, but I haven't posted in a while and I thought I might as well.

To tell you the truth, I don't think anyone even follows this blog. It's really for my own benefit.

Well, it's exam week at the moment, and I feel like I'm on holidays. No-one can be bothered studying, it's so bad. It's been such a full-on year. I'm scared to think what year 12 will be like.

I took a few photos on the last day of year 11 classes. Ok, that might be an understatement. I took A LOT of photos and about a 30 videos. During class too.

Here's a particular favourite:


You can't see me in it really,, but I'm the one holding the Coke Zero bottle. I look at this photo and think: these are my friends and they are beautiful. We've had so many problems this year with the rest of our group that decided to split off from us, but now we have our own group and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Friendship is a most peculiar thing. It is a lot like love in the way that you would basically do anything for your friends. One of my best friends, who I've known since Year 7 when fate put us in the same classs, once told me that she would throw herself in front of a moving car to save me. I was so touched, I didn't know what to say.

My friends really do mean the world to me. I would not have a clue what I'd do without them. I'd probably go insane. I think the two most important things you need in life are friendship and love. Because they are what get you through.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Whatever It Takes I'll Be There

Ok, so I just got off the phone.
Conversation didn't last very long. Not much to say.
Mark and I have now been going out for 1 year and 4 months. Yes, it is a long time.
A very long time.
Some people like to tease me - us - and say that we're practically married. Not mentioning anyone...*cough* Monica *cough*....
But we're really not.
We're 17.

You know, it just occurred to me that I made a link to this blog on my myspace and it could be possible that someone I know will read this. Oh, perfect.

Hmm...you know, I should probably get to bed.
I always say that. But then I get distracted.
I think I may have something wrong with me.
I remember random things, yet not other things.
It might be the alcohol?
I used to have the memory of an elephant.
Now, I have one like a goldfish.

"Cause I see the light surrounding you.
So don't be afraid of something new"

Geez that's an old song.
Ahhh so meaningful though.

Well, I started writing today again.
I got kinda expired from this book I finished reading.
It's called Joe and Cat Set The Story Straight.
It's a tandem story.
And was a very interesting read. Anyway, it got me back into writing the story I'm writing at the moment. I don't really know where this story is heading, but it'll basically just take me where it takes me.
I can never plan stories, because what's happening around me usually influences what happens in the story. I kinda have a direction with this one, but there's still a lot I need to sort out.

Yeah, anyway.
Hmm I'll post my prologue.

I stare up at the ceiling. It is utterly blank. A dark expanse of nothing. I imagine it to be my future – yet I figure the ceiling is a bit brighter than that. A car whizzes past my window, and, just for a millisecond, I see the texture of the ceiling; the bumps and bubbles of a bad paint job, a crack of time, splodges and marks from the unknown pasts. In that instant – in that beam of light – I witness hope. That perhaps my future had something in store for me after all. The light passes, and the big room is cloaked in thick darkness once again.
Maybe I imagined it, but that’s when things started changing for me; on that dark, moonless night in November.
I closed my eyes and attempted sleep.

Ok, this is my final post for today.
ciao baby.

Like The Angel You Are

Yesterday and today I basically did nothing but go on the internet and update my Get Behind Victorian Bands myspace. Shit it's a lot of work.
Yesterday I categorized all the bands into genres. All 150 of them. It was intense work.
Now, I'm just updating my own myspace.
I'm gonna put this photo up.

Its from our last drama lesson. Oh, it was so sad.
I'm gonna miss them all so much.

I'm also gonna put this photo up.


I just think it's cool.

Yeah, I'm really bored.
I might ring Mark.

I'm going shopping with my friend Chiara tomorrow for his birthday present. We're gonna check out the New-and-Improved Westfield. Should be fun.
Yeah, anyway. I'm gonna go ring Mark.

I leave you with this last image.


ciao darling.